Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ar...very tired...

I am very tired because last day I went to 'climb' hill, so last day I didn't online, sorry about this...I go to church by 3.00p.m. And I go to the hill with van. The hill's name is Wat what Gasing. Ha ha

Then I wear a jeans. What ?! Wear a jeans? Nobody wear jeans...I am a jealous!!!HAHAHAHAHA....I'm very very very tired and I can't see K.O 3anguo. When I reach home, its almost 10. I have such a lot of things haven't say. I am very lazy to say. So? I go over the bridge. Only two girls...

Nothing to say...If I got the picture, I will post on this blog.

Friday, July 24, 2009

um... I am the new member in the blogger....